NaiveBayes in Lisp




  • なんにせよ書き終えた
  • nilの場合,ほげほげするという処理で,自然とor関数を使えた
  • 長ったらしい処理部分を自前関数で書いた
; create classifier
(defun make-classifier ()
  (setq freq-hash-table (make-hash-table))
  (setq feature-hash (make-hash-table))
  (setq instance-count-hash (make-hash-table))
  (setq total-word-count-hash (make-hash-table))
  (setq total-instance-count 0))

;; add instance
(defun add-instance (label attributes)
  ; If input lable is new-face, create new hash for the label
  (if (null (gethash label freq-hash-table))
      (and (setf (gethash label freq-hash-table) (make-hash-table))
	   ; set total word count as 0
	   (setf (gethash label total-word-count-hash) 0)))

  ; for each word, add frequency
  (dolist (word attributes)
    (if (gethash word (gethash label freq-hash-table))
	(incf (gethash word (gethash label freq-hash-table)))
      (setf (gethash word (gethash label freq-hash-table)) 1))
    ; add to feature hash
    (if (null (gethash word feature-hash))
	(setf (gethash word feature-hash) t)))

  ; add instance count
  (if (null (gethash label instance-count-hash))
      (setf (gethash label instance-count-hash) 1)
    (incf (gethash label instance-count-hash)))
  (setq total-instance-count (1+ total-instance-count))

  ; add total word count
  (setf (gethash label total-word-count-hash)
	(+ (gethash label total-word-count-hash)
	   (length attributes)))

;; train classifier
(defun train ()
  (setq word-likelihood-hash (make-hash-table))

  ; for each labels
  (dolist (label (hash-keys freq-hash-table))
    ; create new hash for the label
    (or (gethash label word-likelihood-hash)
	(setf (gethash label word-likelihood-hash) (make-hash-table)))
    (dolist (feature (hash-keys feature-hash))
      ; set word likelihood estimated by laplace smoothing
      (setf (gethash feature (gethash label word-likelihood-hash))
	     (1+ (or (gethash feature (gethash label freq-hash-table)) 0))
	     (+ (hash-table-count feature-hash)
	(gethash label total-word-count-hash))))

;; calculate prior
(defun calc-prior (label)
  (/ (gethash label instance-count-hash)

;; calc posteriors
(defun calc-posteriors (attributes)
  ; create attributes hash
  (let ((attribute-hash (make-hash-table))
	(result-hash (make-hash-table))
	(evidence 0)
	(result-lis nil))

    ; create attributes hash
    (dolist (att attributes)
      (hash++ att attribute-hash))

    ; calculate posterior for each label
    (dolist (label (hash-keys freq-hash-table))
      (let ((tmp-posterior 0))
	(maphash #'(lambda (att freq)
	   (setq tmp-posterior
	 (+ tmp-posterior
	    (* (log (gethash att (gethash label word-likelihood-hash)))
	       freq)))) attribute-hash)
	; save posterior without normalization
	(setf (gethash label result-hash)
	      (* (exp tmp-posterior)
	 (calc-prior label)))
	; add to evidence
	(setq evidence (+ evidence
	  (gethash label result-hash)))

    ; normalize posterior
    (maphash #'(lambda (label posterior)
	       (setf (gethash label result-hash) (/ posterior evidence)))


;; predict
(defun predict (attributes)
  (let ((att-hash (calc-posteriors attributes))
	(result-lis nil))
    (maphash #'(lambda (label prob)
	 (setq result-lis (cons (list label prob) result-lis)))

;; utility functions
;; get hash key list
(defun hash-keys (hash)
  (let ((lis nil))
    (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
	 (setq lis (cons key lis)))

;; increment hash value 1
(defun hash++ (key hash)
  (if (null (gethash key hash))
      (setf (gethash key hash) 1)
    (setf (gethash key hash) (1+ (gethash key hash)))))

;; increment hash value n
(defun hash+num (key num hash)
  (if (null (gethash key hash))
      (setf (gethash key hash) num)
    (setf (gethash key hash) (+ (gethash key hash) num))))


; for test
(add-instance 'pos '(hoge foo bar hoge foo bar))
(add-instance 'pos '(hoge hoge foo bar))
(add-instance 'neg '(piyo hoge bar piyo hoge))
(add-instance 'neg '(piyo bar foo hoge))

(predict '(hoge foo))
;=> ((neg 0.3168957) (pos 0.6831043))

(predict '(piyo bar))
;=> ((neg 0.7767503) (pos 0.2232497))

(predict '(foo piyo))
;=> ((neg 0.6987523) (pos 0.3012478))